Our Data

What We Offer

FlexPoint Health supplies healthcare providers and insurance plans with the most current and precise managed care contract data available in the market.

Take control and dominate at the negotiating table with FlexPoint data. We support contract negotiators by showing exactly what each insurance plan contractually reimburses each healthcare provider in a given market. Our data is irrefutable and can be used as concrete evidence in support of your organization’s position at the negotiating table. With our data you will be able to negotiate more competitive reimbursement rates with confidence.


What Sets FlexPoint Data Apart?

  • Our data brings a level of specificity that nobody else in the healthcare industry can provide.
  • Unlike other consultants, we do not rely on healthcare providers or insurance plans to provide access to claims data. 
  • We do not source data from government databases (e.g. CMS) or all-payor claims databases.
  • Instead, FlexPoint sources 100% of its claims data directly from patients. Under HIPAA, patients have a legal right to access their medical claim information and to share their claim documentation with FlexPoint.
  • Our data is current. Our unique and proprietary methodology enables us to harvest patient claims having current dates of service (i.e. within the last 3 months).
  • Our data is precise. We perform simple math that is guaranteed accurate. 
  • We can show you exactly what each insurance plan is contractually reimbursing each healthcare provider in a given market. 
  • For the first time, you won’t have to enter negotiations with unreliable data. 

Data Attributes

FlexPoint Data Solutions

Other Consultants


  • Explanation of Benefits (EOBs)
  • 100% directly from patients
  • Medicare
  • All-payer databases


  • Within last 12 months
  • Time period customization available (last 1, 3, 6, months)
  • 2-3 years, or more


  • Highest level of accuracy
  • Guaranteed
  • Simple math
  • Low level of accuracy
  • Full of ssumptions
  • Complex calculations & number crunching


  • Specific
  • Exact reimbursement rates by payer & by provider
  • Able to determine exact contract rates & methodologies
  • Inpatient - DRG base rate, per diem, case rate, % of charges
  • Outpatient – Fee schedule, % of charges, APCs, etc
  • Carveouts – Implants, drugs, etc.
  • Not specific
  • Do not show reimbursement rates by payer & by provider
  • Only show bended market averages for handful of inpatient and outpatient services


  • All data evidenced by patient EOBs & other claim documents
  • Unable to validate